[%PROCESS "$tdir/titles.txt"%] Untitled Document [%rec = DBI.query(" select branch_documents.*, tillclients.code, waitron.name, date(stamp) date, tillclients.name client, tillclients.pricelist, DATE_FORMAT(branch_documents.invoice_date, '%e/%m/%Y') date from branch_documents left join `$sharedclients`.tillclients on tillclients.id = branch_documents.branch_id left join waitron on waitron.id = branch_documents.user_id where branch_documents.id = ? ", pars.document).get()%] [%tinv = DBI.query("select * from tillinvoices where id = ?",rec.supplier_invoice).get()%] [%bal = DBI.query("SELECT tillclients.*, bal.entity_debit, bal.entity_credit, bal.entity_credit - bal.entity_debit credit_balance, tillclients.creditlimit + IF(bal.entity_credit IS NULL OR bal.entity_debit IS NULL,0, bal.entity_credit - bal.entity_debit) available_credit FROM `$sharedclients`.tillclients tillclients left join account_balance_entity bal on bal.account = 1 and entityid = tillclients.id where tillclients.id = ?;", rec.branch_id).get()%] [%balance = (bal.available_credit * 1) * -1%] [%client = DBI.query("select * from tillclients where id = ?",rec.branch_id).get()%] [%SWITCH rec.document_type%] [%CASE 201%] [%document_type = documents.1.0%] [%document_number = documents.1.1 _ rec.supplier_invoice _ '/' _ rec.seq_nr%] [%CASE 202%] [%document_type = documents.3.0%] [%document_number = documents.3.1 _ rec.supplier_invoice _ '/' _ rec.seq_nr%] [%CASE 203%] [%document_type = documents.2.0%] [%document_number = documents.2.1 _ rec.supplier_invoice _ '/' _ rec.seq_nr%] [%END%] [%document_date = rec.date%] [%client_company = client.clientgroup%] [%deliver_to = "$deliver_to
$client.ph_address" %] [%deliver_to = "$deliver_to
$client.ph_address1" %] [%deliver_to = "$deliver_to
$client.ph_address2" %] [%deliver_to = "$deliver_to
$client.ph_address3" %] [%deliver_to = "$deliver_to
$client.ph_postcode" %] [%deliver_to = "$deliver_to
ATT: $client.name" %] [%deliver_to = "$deliver_to
Cell: $client.cellphone Tel: $client.telephone Fax: $client.fax" %] [%client_address = "$client_address
$client.address" %] [%client_address = "$client_address
$client.address1" %] [%client_address = "$client_address
$client.address2" %] [%client_address = "$client_address
$client.address3" %] [%client_address = "$client_address
$client.postcode" %] [%records = DBI.query(" select bd.*,menu.units,menu.code, bd.vat tax from branch_documents_details bd, menu where menu.id = bd.stockitem_id and bd.document_id = ? group by bd.id ", pars.document) %] [% itemspage = 16 %] [% d = records.size / itemspage %] [% pages = int(d)%] [%IF pages < d%] [%pages = pages + 1%] [%END%] [%subtotal = 0%] [%cpage = 1%] [%data = {}%] [% data.$cpage = []%] [%lines = 1%] [%running_total = 0%] [%qtytotal = 0%] [%FOREACH record IN records %] [%linetotal = record.qty * record.price%] [%qtytotal = qtytotal + record.qty%] [%running_total = running_total + linetotal%] [%lines = lines + 1%] [%IF lines > itemspage %] [%cpage = cpage + 1%] [% data.$cpage = []%] [%lines = 1%] [%END%] [%page_subtotal.${cpage} = page_subtotal.${cpage} + record.qty * record.price%] [% m = {} %] [% m.name = record.description %] [% m.code = record.code %] [% m.count = record.count%] [% m.units = units.${record.units}%] [% m.qty = record.qty %] [% m.discount = record.discount * record.qty%] [% m.line_vat = (linetotal - m.discount) * ( record.tax / (100 + record.tax) ) %] [% mtotaltax = mtotaltax + m.line_vat %] [% m.tax = record.tax%] [% m.uprice = record.price %] [% m.total = linetotal %] [%total = total + linetotal%] [% data.$cpage.push(m) %] [%END%] [%discount = tinv.discount%] [%total = total - discount%] [%IF discount > 0%] [%totalvat = ( (total) * ( cvat / (100 + cvat) ) )%] [%ELSE%] [%totalvat = mtotaltax%] [%END%] [%# USE Dumper %] [%# Dumper.dump_html(data) %] [%IF ! pars.email%]


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Tel: +27 21 919 1167 Co. Reg. #: 022/904/NPO Vat Reg. #: 4530101825
Cell: +27 72 475 5485
Fax: +27 21 919 4812
[%dnote = 0%][%IF pars.dn && cop <= pars.copies%][%document_type%] [%IF cop > 1%]***COPY***[%END%][%ELSE%]DELIVERY NOTE [%dnote = 1%][%END%]
Document No
Page [%page%]/[%pages%]
Document date: [%rec.date%]


Deliver to


Account Your Reference Tax Exempt Tax Reference Sales Rep  
[%client.code%] [%client.name%] N [%client.tax_number%] [%rec.name%] Inclusive
[%IF dnote == 0%] [%END%]
Code Description Count/Vol Qty UnitsUnit Price [%IF pars.excloption == 1%](Ex)[%END%] VAT Nett Amount [%IF pars.excloption == 1%](Ex)[%END%]
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1) No claims will be recognised unless made within seven days after delivery.
2) Any accounts outstanding after 30 days from invoice are liable to interest charges at maximum permissible rates.
3) A handling fee of 10% will be imposed for the return of goods
4) Goods returned without relating invoice numbers will not be credited.
Payment Method:
[%IF tinv.cash >0%] CASH [%ELSIF tinv.cheque >0%] CHEQUE [%ELSIF tinv.ccard >0 and tinv.ccardtype == 'eft'%] EFT [%ELSIF tinv.ccard >0 and tinv.ccardtype != 'eft'%] CREDIT CARD [%END%]
ACCOUNT NO: 01000131977
EMAIL PAYMENT TO: club@oakdaleclub.co.za

Received in good order

Signed ____________________ Date ____________________

[%IF sett.discountbills == 1%] [%END%]
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